Monday, April 2, 2012

mmmms. mmhhhmmms. and idks

Lately I've been thinking in pictures.
I think its always been that way.
But lately, its interfered with my ability to communicate.
There's nothing more frustrating then having stuff to say, but not knowing how to get it out.
For so long I've longed to say something to you all, but all I was getting were pictures.
If a picture's worth 1000 words, but I only have time to say 20, which ones do I say?
And what about the fact that I see multiple pictures??
Which words do I chose to express how I feel AND how do I make it make sense to others?
I thought ^ was funny
So many times I wish I had something uber deep to say... something people would want to retweet or quote...
something that would stimulate someone so much that they would be
The pressure to know what to say, when to say it, and with that perfect tone can be very consuming...
You rack your brain, practice different cliche catch phrases... but you're empty.
just blank :/
For me... its embarrassing and frustrating... at other times, it drives me to apathy. 
At that moment, I give up my voice.  I surrender my right to speak.  I murder the power of my words by aborting my thoughts because they don't "seem" to sound "right"...
I gave up//Forfeited

in a more mature state
you realize that 99.9%+0.1% of life is not about you...

If God has your whole life covered- If He has dominion over your entire life, [which means we have surrendered our lives to Him, and we lack nothing because in Him is everything] why can't we offer ourselves to others freely?  Why are we so afraid that we'll lose if we give parts of ourselves to others?? I realize for some, its not the lack part... its the selfish part.  We're so insecure about what we have to say, that we keep our words, deeds, and talents to ourselves for fear of criticism.  We bury our talents, and unearth them for our personal enjoyment. 
and yet again...
in a more mature state
you realize that 99.9%+0.1% of life is
NOT about you...

idk people-
I'm outta here