Thursday, August 25, 2011

my (disjointed) conviction

Mean? You think I have an attitude?  You think I'm "bougie"? Stuck Up?
Because I don't want to give you my number?
Because I don't respond to "Baby" or "Sweetheart"?
Because I furrowed my brows when you asked if you could have a bite of my snack?
Seriously sir... You could be my GRANDfather

I'm sorry no--
no... no...
I will not be labled as the bougie, angry, Black woman who doesn't speak, rolls her eyes, or gives attitude because YOU won't let me walk down the street UNinterrupted
So I will beat you at your own game... I will put the most STANK face
this will be my [BLOCK] that will *scream*

I must admit that I did stop and think about this whole ordeal
like why do these experiences strip me from my natural tendancy to be just plain 'ole nice
And it's a choice, right?  Like whether or not we will allow these encounters to actually change our SELF
'cause at the end of the day isn't it our flesh?
 that little desire within us to be mean
that little voice inside our heads that gets so annoyed
so annoyed, that we choose to create a force field
an IMPENATRABLE blockade
what does this do?
think over it's pros and cons
does the blockade ever resurface in other areas of our lives?
do we OVERuse the force field
do we use it when we encounter any situation??
anytime someone annoys us, needs us, calls us, asks us for something??
the blockade is featured
it slowly but surely creeps up unknowingly

That person is shut out and repelled.
out...away... gone
oh. shoot
What if Jesus did that to us??
What if our heavenly father shut us up and out when we called on HIM...

not there yet, but I'm strivin to be like him everyday

dyin to my flesh

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