Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My first RE-gifted gift

Sooo.  I'm clearly behind in my blogging efforts.  It's so funny how things you're "supposed" to be doing come into your mind so frequently... and of course I just shrugged this off like another responsibility or chore.  How dare I?? I'm really trippen.  Writing is a gift, and I'm really grateful to be able to share my thoughts with people.  I keep having this underlying desire for these words to touch someone, make them smile, or provoke a thought.  Of course that's impossible if I bottle these things up.  Thus... I will
myself the opportunity to share, babble, focus, and witness to the masses. 

"New things are happening in 2012", I tell myself.  "My life projects NEWNESS in this new year", I scream.  People look at me with that same pathetic 2011 daze.  They tell me that nothing changes but the date.  I am unaffected.  I don't doubt my proclamation to view this year as a new opportunity to grow, love, and laugh 'til my stomach hurts.  (While I'm laughing I'll secretly hope that my abs will get a workout and become bold enough to show face this summer. <ha)  As much as that's a joke, I can't help but to think this is yet another year where I claim "This is the last year that weight will be a point of change"... I can say without a doubt that this is really the last year.  I'm sure of that because I've officially converted this idea from weight to health. 

I'm living under my means.  Not financially, but I'm not getting the most out of my life because I'm at the best age to be in the best shape of my life.  But I'm not...In my 25th year, I don't want to be haunted by the errors of my chips and cookies youth.  I'm getting it together... I'm positive... I'm happy... I'm ready. 

Bee Tee Dubb (BTW: By the way) I received confirmation of this when they announced our New Beginnings 21Day Daniel Fast at church.  There's no better of a time to reevaluate my eating habits than a Daniel Fast.  For those unfamiliar with the deets (details) of this, please click here :) 
I start on Sunday, and I'm actually excited.  Well... of course I'm not excited to NOT eat all of the foods I love, but I am excited for what NOT eating these things will do for me.  What will be ADDED as a result of my choice to SUBTRACT-- mmmm deep huh? lol
So I'll be entering a daily account of what's going on with the fast, including recipes, my quiet time revelations, and other stuff.  I'm happy to share this stuff with you, and I hope you all give me feedback!
Here we go!!

Peace... Love... and REgifted gifts


1 comment:

  1. I'll start by saying this font looks a lot like your handwriting- go Kee! Also, my pastor has announced the same 21 Day Task...[air five] we're non-eating twins! I am also happy that you are jumping aboard the health train. Next stop: LIVING! I started last year and by way of encouragement, its really where it's at. Some days are harder, especially when it is more convenient to chow on a burger than to make Brussels sprouts and whole wheat pasta :-/ I can say dinner gets very interesting thou! Enjoy and Happy New Year!
