Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm taking my charger wherever I go

First let me just say "I know, I know, I know" its been a while.  I've been meaning to get connected with blogging this week but time kept escaping me.  This is not my excuse, rather the force that drove me to MAKE time.  Too often we talk about what we DON'T have time for.  It's almost annoying even when the phrases "I don't have time for that" or "I really didn't have time to do that" come out of my mouth.  I just had to prioritize, this as something I NEED to do and "Nike" (just do it)... SO with that-
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.  

Most people who know me, know that I am often guilty of my cell phone dying.  It can be an annoying inconvenience in the middle of a conversation or text.  ::Sorry:: I usually charge my phone once a day which is before I go to bed at night.  Well, I'm a big texter and I love to hook up my phone to the car radio and jam to Pandora on the way to and from work.  The worst part about when my phone dies is that it stays on, but all services shut down.  So my actual phone is ON, but there's not enough battery to function.  Its just apparent that I use it more than I charge it.  I just need to carry my charger with me so that I don't have to rely on the ONE time a day that I charge it. 

As Christians who have been in the game a little while (I hesitate to say "mature" because you can't qualify this journey) we have had a lot of scriptures, sermons, and just well WORDS FROM THE LORD in our hearts.  When someone calls on us for anything, we are immediately able to provide them with Godly comfort, because its just on our lips.  Even when we have little mishaps here or there BAM a word comes to our hearts and we minister to ourselves.  I found that this app (<my attempt to be tech saavy) is being used all the time! I love it!! Throughout the day I'll share a bomb word or write something that just goes!! C'mon, ya'll know what I'm talking about-- When God uses you and allows you to minister to a friend or coworker.  You share something you've learned throughout your journey, pouring yourself into someone else.  Lately this opportunity has been ever present, yet I feel my "battery" drained a more&more and earlier&earlier in the day.  Sometimes, I'm "dead" before I can even make it to my next "charge".  I usually charge up in the mornings, but lately, that charge is barely holding me through the afternoon.  Just like my phone, my battery dies- I'm on, but I'm spiritually ineffective.  There is someone that needs a text MESSAGE or needs to be CONNECTED to God, but I am dead.  This breaks my heart that because I wasn't plugged into the source long enough or often enough, my battery was spent.  God cannot use me...
Isn't it our purpose to be vessels for God?  We are literally charged to DECREASE so that God may be able to INCREASE in our lives.  God DESIRES to USE us as fully functioning devices to send messages, answer calls, and search the WWW(whole wide world) so that others might be able to make a clear connection with Him.  Being charged/armed/USABLE is therefore a mandate not a choice.  I've decided that in order to pour out as often as God desires, I MUST make sure to be completely charged at all times.  That means my morning charge MUST be sufficient enough to carry me AND that I take time throughout the day to get REcharged, when I need to.  I want to be used by God and I want to be USABLE when He is desires.

So I've stepped it up... I'm taking my charger wherever I go
no more dead batteries over here...



  1. Ummmmmm this post just KILLED MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! Like that was my mental prayer today but my battery was so low that I didn't even send it up! Thank you for posting this. *Logs off and charges myself!*

  2. POW!!!! This reminds me of a bible study ANQ did when we were at Howard. So relevant necessary ! I'm so charged!

  3. "spiritually ineffective. There is someone that needs a text MESSAGE or needs to be CONNECTED to God, but I am dead. This breaks my heart that because I wasn't plugged into the source long enough or often enough, my battery was spent. God cannot use me..." That's real. I'm so quick to say how I'm personally affected when I don't spend time with God, or how my day was off...but rarely if ever do I think about the people who are impacted. good stuff!

  4. I just had a revelation....POWER SOURCE!

    thanks for sharing!
