Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Writing from 2011: It's been a while...

It’s not about me.
Being selfish is so easy.  We’re bred to “worry about ourselves” and watch our backs.  It’s rare to hear people encouraging others and even giving compliments.  We immediately worry about our own appearances, our own concerns, and only care when things have to do with us.  If it isn’t about me I don’t care.  If it doesn’t affect me, then I don’t care.  If it doesn’t benefit me, then I don’t care.  We are so “me” conscious.  We contextualize our lives based on our own agendas and our own work.  But wait.  What does God think about this?  Now I know this will probably lead to the sucking of the teeth, snapping the neck, and rolling eyes- but really.  If we are in this thing, this journey, this commitment (actually covenant) with God- to be a Christian (because we’re so indebted to Him) then why is this mode of accountability so tough. 
Selfishness: Selfishness denotes an excessive or exclusive concern with oneself, and as such it exceeds mere self interest or self concern. Insofar as a decision maker knowingly burdens or harms others for personal gain, the decision is selfish.
Humility. Philippians 2:3
Selfishness causes disorder. James 3:14-16
God loves when we give. 2 Corinthians 9:7
We cannot serve God and ourselves at the same time. Luke 16:13
Ø  Uncondition/unlearn
Ø   Embrace selflessness:  If God has our backs why can’t we focus on covering someone else?
Ø  Balance

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